Saturday, July 25, 2009

Two Months Old Today!

Emmy is two months old today! I can't believe how fast time is flying! She is getting so big and really turning into a sweet little baby girl.

So here is what she is doing now:

-Weight: 9lbs 7oz (20%)
-eating every 4 hours during the day, about 5oz at each feeding
-until this week (when Mommy tried to force a "rigid schedule"...which didn't work) sleeping from about 10 until 6ish, and getting in the bed with Mommy around 4
-smiling and reacting to what is going on around her
-cooing a little bit
-really enjoying tummy time now! in fact, if it is near nap time she likes it so much she will scrunch up and go to sleep
-getting much better with the pacifier, which makes Mommy very happy :)
-loves being bounced (really fast and hard I might add) in her bouncy seat
-starting to like the swing a little more
Emmy gets lots of hugs and kisses from her big brother and sister and enjoys watching them play and laugh together! She is changing so quickly and I just love trying to guess what she will be doing next week at this time! She is awake more and more during the day and loves laying on her back to play with me or Drew and Ellie!
Here is Drew loving on his baby sister...

And here is Ellie reading Emmy a story.

Love to all!


  1. Oh. my. goodness. How sweet!! That will be a good one to have when they get older!!

  2. we watched it fifty times. it was hilarious and it was fun. your friend, jillian & connor
