Thursday, July 9, 2009

Back to Work

That's has been 6 weeks already! I can't believe it either. So, I went back to work today and it was great! Kevin stayed home with all three kids, all day long, all by himself! And he did great! The house was still in one piece and much cleaner than I have it on most days. When I called this morning around 10ish to check on things, the response was "Oh it's great...piece of cake" and then the call to my cell phone at 8pm tonight was frantically saying, "I can't get her to stop screaming!" but when I walked in the door at 9:45pm all was calm. Then I noticed the two gashes on Kevin's knees. "What in the world happened?????" Kevin explains that he fell down the steps outside... WITH EMMY IN HIS ARMS! Hence, he broke his fall with his knees to keep Emmy from hitting the ground (or concrete - I was afraid to ask). Glad he waited until I got home to let me know about that one!
I missed all of the kids but can honestly say that it was nice to get back to work - I love my job and getting back into somewhat of a "routine" will be good for all of us!

So everyone always tells me how much my kids look like Kevin, and they do. He can not deny any of our kids. Can you "Name that Baby" by these photos? (Don't look at the clothes on them - thats cheating ;)

Love to all!


  1. They look like triplets! Too funny! Glad Kevin was able to sacrifice his knees for the baby-I'm like you, better you found out about that one until after you got home!
    oh and Drew, Emmy, Ellie:)

  2. So glad you had a nice day back at work! You are's hard to leave the kids, but getting into a routine is very nice and makes for a happy family! :)

    I can't tell the girls apart...I think you are trying to trick us, so I'm with Adrienne: Drew, Emmy, Ellie!

    Have a great weekend!
