And I HATE losing!!!! Grrrr! So I had it in my mind that Drew would be jumping in the pool alone by the end of the week here. While he is doing remarkably well, he will NOT jump completely alone. He will jump into your arms (even if you are standing halfway across the pool), he will jump holding my hands, he will jump holding my pinky finger, he will jump with my pinky knowing that I am going to jerk it away in the middle of his jump, but as far as jumping completely alone - he will. not. do. it. I tried EVERYTHING I knew possible. Bribery, sweet talk, mean talk, demanding, coercing, getting help from the guys, making him sit in the chair until he decided to jump alone, threatening, bribing again (we were up to 4 prizes) and the list goes on and on and on. This went on for about 2 or 3 hours!!! In fact, it turned into more of a battle of the wills. And he won. I never thought I would meet anyone more stubborn and hardheaded than I am. I found him - and he is mine. All mine :) And I love him to pieces, hardheaded and all :)
Love to all!
We dealt with this a little with Ainsley. Although she will jump in by herself with no floats or life jackets- it rarely happens. This past week she has made progress wearing swimmies and jumping in by herself- I don't even need to be in the pool now. They've given her a lot of confidence once she realizes she pops right back up. Have you tried swimmies? I'm not huge fan of them but Harper likes them too and jumps in by herself now with them on. I just know that Ainsley is stubborn too and the more I push her to do something the more she resists so I've given up and I just let her do to it on her own time. Will you have more time at the beach to practice?