Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hoki, Hoki, Hoki Hy

Techs, Techs, VPI
Sola-Rex, Sola-Rah
Polytechs, Vir-gin-ia
Rae, Ri, VPI!!!

Drew is in LOVE with the Hokies and tells me, when talking about his outfit "I am going to leave it on forever!" Yesterday, it was gorgeous here and I asked the kids if they wanted to go outside. Drew had just gotten up from his nap and said, "Nah." So I left it at that. Now, anyone that knows Drew, knows that the moment he walks in the door, he heads straight up to his room, sheds off his "normal clothes" (ie. jeans and t-shirt) and puts on "bum clothes" or "pajamas" which usually consists of shorts that are two sizes too small and no shirt :) I dont' know why he does this, but for whatever reason, he hates to be in normal clothes when he is just hanging out around the house. Quite frankly, I can't say I blame him. I am normally lounging around the house in sweats and a T-shirt. But whatever, back to the story. So when Drew said he didn't want to go out side (he was in his shorts and no shirt), I didn't push the issue. I went into the other room and continued my battle with trying to potty train Ellie (I'm still loosing that one). A few minutes later, Drew walks into the bathroom, fully dressed and VERY proud of his clothing selection and says to me, "I'm ready to go outside Mom."

He had put on his VT shirt and his VT hat and looked just as proud as any Hokie you have ever seen! I told him I was going to get Ellie ready and to wait a couple of minutes. So I am dressing Ellie and I walk past my room only to see this....

I stopped and I watched and Drew was totally primping in front of our mirror! Soooooo funny! I could see him turning his hat around backwards and then forwards and kind of looking to assess which way he liked better! It was so funny! I asked him could I take his picture and he insisted that I do it with it both forward and backward. Then he sang me the fight song, which my sister proudly taught him!

I love that little Hokie!!!!

When I saw Drew "primping" in the mirror, I thought it was the cutest/funniest thing! Then the more I thought about it, the more it reinforced the fact that he is growing up! He is turning into this little person...aggghhhhh! I'm too young to be the mother of a little person. The mother of babies, sure....but a little person...a school aged child...a child with feelings and emotions and worries and the ability to primp....SCARY! It is happening right before my very eyes...my little boy is growing up :( Each day, he says or does something that makes me do a double take, a "where did you learn that" or a "how did you know how to do that" or I'll see him doing something that is completely age appropriate, yet very "dangerous" for a little boy, but he isn't a little boy anymore, he is turning into a little man! And I just love that little guy to pieces :)
Love to all!

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