How about now...look really close...
Emmy has two teeth! Right on the bottom. She is ready for a steak and baked potato! Except that she is up half of the night so probably too sleepy to stay up with us all and eat! I can't believe how quickly my little baby is growing!!! And Emmy is just that to me. I mean, they all are my babies, but Emmy is my last and is supposed to just stay a baby! When she starts growing up the "baby stage" of our lives is going to be over and I am just not ready for that quite yet...although sleeping all the way through the night without being woken up by one of the three does sound pretty good ;) In fact, one night last week, no one made a peep until 5am and when I woke up, I thought something was wrong!
Just a little update with the hives: we never did figure out what it was that made Emmy break out. She broke out for a few days and then it just kind of stopped. Of course, I was just positive that she had a milk allergy and I needed to change her formula. I had myself all worked up and in a tizzy over how I kept making her break out. I was terribly stressed out about her "milk allergy" (yes, the one that didn't exist, or not yet at least) and how I should handle it. And trust me this: the internet is NO FRIEND when a mother is diagnosing her own child. But my gut instinct kept telling to relax and wait it out a few days. To quit stressing and trying to "figure it out." So I did. And the rash stopped. I guess that is why they say a Mama should listen to her gut. Now I would like to know what caused the reaction and the only thing I can come up with is a few bites of strawberry flavored yogurt that I gave Emmy (yes, I don't know what I was thinking...I DO KNOW that strawberries are a big allergan, I just wasn't thinking :( Imagine that!). So we will retry that again in a month or so to see if that was what did it. Other than that...nothing! That's my only guess. But Emmy is doing much better and that is all that matters:)
My parents came down this weekend for dinner and took Drew home with them, so it was just
Kevin and me and the girls! After they left last night, I walked into the bonus room only to find Kevin laying on the couch and Ellie carefully putting lipgloss all over his "lips" (this includes everything from the lips to the bottom of the chin and up to the nostrils). She was being ever so careful to make his "mame-um" (yes, that's makeup) look "preeetttty." So cute!!! It is amazing what this Daddy will do for his little girls :) Today we painted toes and colored in the princess book and had a good "girls day"...

But we do miss our Bubba!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Lots of love!
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