Kevin noticed a few bumps on Emmy last night (just on her neck and a few behind her ears) and we figured she had rubbed against something rough or her little skin was just chapped from the 15 and 20 degree weather. This morning when she woke up it was worse and the rash had spread and covered her entire body from head to toe! Now, I am usually pretty laid back and don't take my kids to the doctor to for every little thing (mostly because I am too cheap to go and pay a copay for them to tell me something that I already know). Well I was almost certain that the rash looked like an allergic reaction, but she looked so pitiful!!! And I could not think of one single thing that she ate differently yesterday that would have caused her to have a reaction.
Long story short: I took her to the doctor this morning. She said it was definitely an allergic reaction of some type. Could have been something that she ate. Could be a heat/cold reaction. Gave me dosing for Benadryl. Could come and go for a few weeks. Perfectly harmless to Emmy. Worth a copay for peace of mind.
Needless to say, Emmy has been an angel and seems completely unaffected by the hives covering her entire body!
Stay warm!
Love to all!

Such a cutie! Poor little thing though, glad she's still happy for you!
ReplyDeleteAwww. I would have definitely gone to the doctor too, even on weekend. She still looks so happy, little angel. Guess she is not itchy and uncomfortable, that is a good thing.