Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Wonderful Wednesday

So yesterday I ventured out with the babies (yes, all three) to Swoozies. I LOVE that store, but went with just ONE thing on my list - black and white damask wrapping paper. I was fully prepared to walk in, get my paper and walk out. Easy enough, right? So very low expectations here people. Well, I put the carrier in the stroller and used this new sling that I got to carry Miss Ellie. At first she really liked it, helped me push the stroller, played with my earrings etc. Well the moment we walked into Swoozies she flung her body back and started screaming to get down. So I make a b-line for the wrapping paper with a stroller, toddler hanging out of a half worn sling, and a 4 year old pleading to go over to the M&M dispensers! So as every eye in Swoozies focuses on ME and my screaming child, I reluctantly let her down! How much damage can she do while I walk to the wrapping paper! I have to mention that literally every table in Swoozies has some cute platter that is breakable - NOT a store for toddlers! I get over to the wrapping paper and can NOT believe my eyes - NO BLACK AND WHITE DAMASK PAPER!!!! You have GOT to be kidding me! So my trip to the mall for one thing turned into a trip to a McDonald's drive-thru that is very far from home! Oh well, better luck next time, at least we made it out with out any broken objects (I am sure that my time is coming) :) By the way, Swoozies is having a huge tent sale starting tomorrow - dare I try it out again?

We got home and Drew went over the a friends house for the afternoon, so it was just me and my girls.
Ellie was just dying to hold Emmy...

And my sweet Ellie gives Emmy kisses ALL DAY LONG... literally, it is so sweet...

Then we gave Emmy some tummy time and floor time. Ellie thought this was so much fun!

Today, we just hung around most of the morning and Drew and Ellie went over to a friend's house this afternoon. Emmy and I went to the Dollar Tree and Kohls. Can I just say how much I LOVE the dollar store! So we eat the Nature's Own whole wheat bread and it usually runs about $2.79 at Harris Teeter, a little less at Target (~$2.50ish) and sometimes you can get it on sale for like 2/$5 but would you believe that they have this exact same bread at the DOLLAR STORE- and you guessed it, it is $1.00!!!!! I couldn't believe it when I first saw it and thought it was a fluke, but they have had it every time since then! Today I got bread, 4 white plates, 4 placemats, some storage baskets, a diet coke and some snack food, all for $20!!! It was great! So after my Dollar Tree spending spree I thought I would check out Kohls. I got a couple of dresses only to get home and put them on and still feel pregnant - gotta return them tomorrow :( Definitly do NOT want to wear anything remotely "maternityish" now!

We had dinner again last night and tonight from some of our wonderful neighbors and it was so good!!! All of our neighbors have been SOOOO good to us and have kept us very fat and happy during these first days at home with Emmy!
Here is a picture of Drew and Kevin playing - this is their nightly ritual! Kevin is such a good Daddy. I swear he plays, like on the floor playing, every night when he gets home from work. They tear up the bonus room and pull out every single toy the kids own, but they do it with a smile on their face, and I love every minute of watching them! Tonight was an army fort out of blocks and army guys "camping out" inside.

Sweet Emmy, after her tummy time - which she was a little less happy during!

Hope everyone is doing well!
Love to all!

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