Friday, June 5, 2009

Trader Joe's and Ketchup Kraziness

Trader Joe's has been conquered! We ventured out to Trader Joe's yesterday. I really needed to go and get wine :) And you just can't beat Trader Joe's 3 buck chuck! So, with the help of my sister, we went to all the way to Trader Joe's (45 minutes away)! Drew and Ellie were surprisingly good (maybe they are getting used to being lugged in and out of all of my favorite stores - I am trying very hard to create good shoppers :) ) and Miss Emmy was, of course, sleeping! We did our shopping, got happy meals from Wendy's and parked in the parking lot to let all of the kids eat. I fed Emmy while Katie wrestled, I mean tried to feed, Drew and Ellie. All things considered it was a great trip and I could NEVER have done that one by myself. Feeding a baby and having two others crawling all over the van like monkeys would have been NO FUN - I really have GOT to get a DVD player! Then maybe I'll try it on my own! Until then, I'll have to con Katie into coming with me - THANKS KATIE!

Just me and our three!

And me with our newest little one! Doesn't she looked thrilled? (I can only imagine what she is thinking - Mom, just let me sleep!)

So last night I was trying to get Ellie to eat the wonderful dinner that our neighbor brought over. She was kind of playing around with it and not really eating, so I decided to let her have ketchup so that she could dip her food in it. She loves to eat anything with any kind of dip - ranch, ketchup, butter, bar-b-que sauce - you name it she'll eat it! So I gave her ketchup and thought (first mistake) that she would start eating. My cell phone rang and my attention got diverted a little bit (second mistake). Next thing I know, Ellie was using the ketchup to literally PAINT her arms. I see her scooping it up and rubbing it all over her arms! When I gasped and said "Ellie, NO!" she looked at me as if I were crazy! Here she is caught in the act!

And showing off what she had done!

Now you may wonder why she has on no clothes, and I feel like I may have posted on this before (but I am losing my mind, so I could be dreaming), but for those of you that may not have read that post, I almost ALWAYS undress my kids to feed them. I don't know why but they are completely incapable of eating without getting it ALL OVER their clothes - and sometimes I don't mind it, but sometimes they have on really cute outfits that are RUINED in 2 minutes flat! So that is why Ellie has no clothes on :) and it is a good thing or it would have had ketchup covering it. But it would have matched her outfit yesterday!
She looked so cute and actually kept her hat on for a little while!

Love to all!


  1. She is so cute! I can't blame you for not wanting to ruin a cute outfit. Love that ladybug romper!

  2. Oh, too funny! Lily loves ketchup too! She dips EVERYTHING in ketchup although I occasionally tell her we are "out of ketchup" (I know, I'm mean...).

    Also, I just bought a Phillips dual screen DVD player from Target and LOVE it! It plays the same movie, but if you have one kid rear facing, etc. you can have one on the back of the seat, etc. Works great! I highly recommend it! :) Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
