Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fall Full of Firsts

Cooler weather has FINALLY arrived - bring on the fall nights! After an absolutely wonderful summer of pool days, beach vacations and HOT afternoons outside, I am so ready for the fall weather. I can't wait to decorate my front porch with mums and pumpkins! Not to mention some Hokie football!!! Time to pull out our fall/winter clothes!

Drew started preschool this week. Last year, he was in preschool two days a week. Since this is his last year of preschool before kindergarden, we decided to put him in preschool 4 days a week. Since I worked all weekend and Drew had preschool orientation on Tuesday, Monday was jammed packed of things on the "To Do" list. Despite my attempts to sleep in a tad bit later and use the "lay hear and act like I don't hear the kids" trick at 7am (didn't work), we were up pretty early. In fact, before 9am we had purposefully knocked over an entire cup of coffee (onto our older brother at that), eaten two unknown objects, and decided to change our own diaper. Yeeeeeeeah, it was quite a long day. We did, however, make it out and attempt to have a productive day. Ellie screamed from the time we left our house until the time we got to our first stop (a total of 25 minutes!). She wanted "out! out! out!.....," you get the picture. Got in and out of the doctor's office, fed Drew and Ellie, in and out of Old navy, fed Emmy in the car, in and out of Rack Room, in and out of the mall and back home by nap time...Whew. Was a little crazy at times - like in Old Navy when Ellie decided to "hide" from me, plowing through the newly arranged rack of clothes, or in Rack Room when she decides to bring me every, single, shoe that is on display, or in the mall when she decides to act like a kitty cat and crawl on the floor - but we did make it and it was kind of fun :)

We got new shoes for school...
Ellie got some too. No picutre, but they are cute brown ones with polka dots - she threw a fit for black high tops with silver glitter and tie died laces in about 5 sizes too big, but she was NOT winning that battle!

We also ordered a new bag with his name on it, but won't be in until next week -I again procrastinated :(
So Monday night everyone got all ready for "school." We tried story time with the three of them - that worked for about 30 seconds.

Tuesday was orientation and Wednesday was the first day of school. Kevin and I took Drew for orientation on Tuesday. Now most of you know that Drew is far from shy, to say the least. But when you put him in a new situation, with new people, he is incredibly shy! Like hide behind my leg, speak so softly you can barely hear him, tuck his head when people try to talk to him...SHY! This is only funny because we all know that he is totally NOT a shy child. Well he was very shy on Tuesday, for about the first 5 minutes, and then he opened up. I am sure as the school year goes on, he will become a class clown!
Here is Drew, all ready for his first day of school!

So far, so good with preschool! He is having fun and loving it. Today when I dropped him off, Ellie kept saying "Bubba, Bubba, Bubba" and I told her that Drew was in school. She looked at me and said "Me????" Like, I want to go too Mommy! And I said, "You are going to stay with Mommy and Emmy. Ok?" and she said "cooo" (her way of saying school) and pointed at the school. She wanted to stay with Drew! So cute :)
We also put Emmy in the Bumbo for the first time tonight! She liked it at first...
Then....Not so much!
Drew wanted a chance too...
and Ellie too...

Hope everyone had a great week!
Love to all!

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