Friday, April 3, 2009

Feeding Follow-up and A Fabulous Friday

Happy Friday to everyone says Drew...

and Ellie sends her smiles too (please note: banana in hand and milk in cup - much improved from Monday don't you think)!

It has been so nice to be off for 2 days in a row! And while yesterday was a rainy lazy day, today was beautiful outside. It motivated me to try and be productive.

Let me start by defending my mothering abilities and showing the grandparents that I DO, in fact know how to prepare my children a healthy dinner (contrary to their current beliefs). Last night the children were fed the following:

Yes, I know that the green beans are out of the can and processed, not wholesome, blah, blah...but hey, they are GREEEN!

I even did a little Betty Crocker action this morning!

So now that I have convinced you all that I am not a terrible mother with complete lack of concern for her children's diet, let me tell you about my complete and total "pregnancy brain" (or maybe it was "been up since 5:30 am brain" due to a coughing child, she feels much better today though). Yesterday (yes rainy, nasty, stuck inside ALL DAY LONG yesterday) I decided to try and clean up a little since I was stuck in the house and had accomplished NOTHING on Monday. Started by changing the sheets on our bed and washing a load of sheets, towels, dish rags etc. Let me start by saying this is a HUGE accomplishment for me. Kevin is usually the laundary person in our house. I cleaned the kitchen, made the beds, and started to feel a little productive. Washer buzzes. I go up to put the wet laundary in the dryer and open the washing machine to see nothing but clumply little gel-like pieces of something all over EVERY SINGLE PIECE of laundary!!! What in the world??? I start digging through the laundary only to guessed it a PULL-UP!!! Gross me out! I have no clue how it got in with the laundary and am even more clueless as to how it got INTO the actual washing machine. I did load the laundary, didn't I? How I didn't see it when I was loading the wash is beyond me! Thankfully, it was a Pull-Up and not a dirty diaper! Can you even imagine? It may not have been used, but I decided not to take my chances. Needless to say, I rewashed that load and dried it, oh about 5 times to get all of the nasty gelly little pellets out of it. I think I'll just leave the laundary to Kevin from now on :)

Today was beautiful and the children and I were outside after breakfast. I started a new project. This topiary is such a fun thing to play around with for each season. My aunt Mary and uncle Lynn made it. Let me know if you like it and want one! I got some flowers at Wal-Mart and started trying to make this look a little more "spring-like." Still working on it but here is a little sneak peak...

Pots need cleaning, little more color and maybe some polka dots or ribbon on the pots. Still waiting for my "Vision" to come to me! Will post more pictures when it is complete. Oh yeah, did I mention that while I am doing this, keeping a good ear out for the kids (who were outside with me playing at the bottom of the steps to the deck - do NOT freak Nanny and Poppy, I could see their little heads and was talking to them and checking on them constantly) I fail to actually look at what the kids are playing WITH until about 30 seconds to late? Yes they found it, a mud puddle. I turn my head to see Ellie grinning from ear to ear while standing in a mud puddle about knee high! Shoes, socks, jeans and all! Innocent Drew stands beside her just laughing!!! So I let them play, just glad I had dressed them in outdoor play clothes instead of something cute!

I also started a project on Thursday when we were stuck inside. I made these adorable little birds to use in the girls room.

Got a pack of 12 at Michael's for $1.99 and used scrapbook paper to cover them! Still need to decorate them and figure out where I will use them in their room I have something in mind, but not sure how it will turn out, so stay tuned for more pictures!

Aren't they cute little birdies!!

Meanwhile, Drew and Ellie were working on a little rainy day project of their own... pulling out EVERY, SINGLE, toy that they own!!!

Oh well! I guess this is what happens when you are stuck inside all day!

But today was much better! After being outside (and the whole mudpuddle episode) the kids HAD to have a bath! Drew was very proud of his mohawk (Ellie was a little leary of this)!

With everyone all clean, books read, teeth brushed and PJs on (Drew picked out new ones today at Kohl's - he insisted that the Lightening McQueen ones were much cooler than the cute puppy dog ones that I had picked out)...

hugs and kisses goodnight, now my babies are snug as bugs in rugs!

So all things considered, Thursday and Friday were more productive than Monday! I have to work all weekend (tear, tear)! But hopefully everyone else will enjoy the beautiful weather!
Would love to get some comments from those reading (click on the link below)!

Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up with the pictures of the food! You go you health-concious mama!
    Robin :o)
