Pretty normal day - imagine that! Drew and Ellie woke up to Easter baskets full of goodies and eggs hidden all over the bonus room. While Drew had a good time finding all of the eggs, Ellie was insistent that each one be opened as she found it so that she could eat the candy out of it! So by 8:30 this morning, Ellie had already eaten enough candy to last all day! We went to church and today was Drew's last day in his three year old class! He will be FOUR on Tuesday - I can NOT believe it! His teacher was so sweet to him since she knew it would be his last day. I am a little bit concerned because now he has to go to "BIG church" for the first part of the service and will then go to children's church. This requires being QUIET! Will post on how this goes next week!
We worked on some birthday projects this afternoon and then hunted some Easter eggs with neighborhood friends!
Nicholas and Will before the hunt! Could you ask for better smiles??? So sweet!
Everyone waiting for the "1...2...3...GO!!!"
Drew has a basketful of eggs...
and Ellie found a few too!
Thanks for organizing the hunt! The boys loved it as you can see!