Saturday, November 7, 2009


Not tonight...but we were close.

A warrior...

A cowgirl...

The result...

You got it. Drew and Ellie had a collision and Ellie came out on the losing end of this battle. So I call home on my way home from work to be told by Kevin that they had a "little drama...but we are ok now." What??? Ok, what kind of drama? He explains that Drew and Ellie "ran into each other" and Ellie had a "little cut on her eye." So I ask is she ok, he says she is. I ask did she cry, he says she did. I ask did it swell up, he says it didn't. I ask if she is acting ok, he says she is. (Can you tell I am a neurotic mom???....yes, I am.) I get home and immediately say to him..."I think she needs stitches!" Of cousrse, Ellie wouldn't let us touch the cut and the blood was a little thicker that it appears in the picture. I start thinking that if I do nothing and she ends up with an infected gash on her face, I would feel terrible. So I call the pediatrician's office to get some guidance. I get the answering service, who promptly has a nurse call me back. After several questions, she says to me "I had to be the bearer of bad news, but you need to take her in." That is, to the ER. You have GOT to be kidding me. It is 6:45 on a Saturday night and I am sure we would be surrounded by nothing by swine flu and drug addicts. Uggghhh! So I explain to the nurse my reservations about being in the ER on a Saturday night, during flu season (yes, I have become quite neurotic about H1N1 too:( among numerous other things). Kevin explains that I am completely overreacting. I ask if there is anyway I can speak to the physician on call. I know this nurse is cursing me. She says sure, we hang up, I wait and start to think. I REALLY don't want to go to the ER with a 2 year old for stitches on a Saturday night during flu season. Not my idea of a fun Saturday night activity. And I would feel TERRIBLE if I don't go and Ellie ends up with a huge scar on her face and "abnormal hairgrowth on her eyebrows" (per info from the nurse...I'm thinking, well most of us just wax those things anyway.) My gut was telling me that she was fine, but the nurse had to told me to take her in and I am second guessing my gut. And then it hit me. We have a good friend in the neighborhood that is a pediatrican that had given me her number when I had Emmy. I took Ellie over, Linda checked her out and assurred me that she didn't think that I neede to take her to the ER. Neosporin until it heals, then Mederma. Ahhhh! Thank goodness.

We got home and played Drew's favorite game..."Boat!" This is Kevin and Drew's code name for pulling out every single pillow and blanket in the entire house and building a fort/boat in the bonus room floor with them. Tonight, Drew also included all of his "pets" or "babies" ie. stuffed animals.

One baby is cuter than the rest...can you spot her?

Playing in the boat!

A fun night! Much better than the ER.
Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. LOL-I would have been the same way! Glad you were able to take her over to that peds house and get advice!

    Emmy looks so cute with all the animals!
